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Whining And Complaining
This applies to EVERYONE: I started this thing to put down how I feel about things at a certain time. When I want to talk, but feel like I can't. It's really just that simple. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm not out to make anyone feel like they're being put down. If you feel that way, there must be some truth in what I'm saying.
@Prometheus: Nothing's really wrong with the new Manson cd, but if you have all of his other releases it's pointless to buy it for the Personal Jesus cover. Only one song from "Portrait" (Get Your Gunn) made it onto the album, if that gives you any indication.
@Council Chambers: Your link has been removed.
@Shark: Your link has been removed.
For offensive comments. (Give me a fucking break...)
We watched Ravenous last night. I must say that it was a much better movie than I thought it was going to be. The soundtrack was just totally weird, but it fit the movie nonetheless.
Nix and myself haven't been working on the movie lately. We try, but shit just gets in the way and my ribs still hurt, so I'm still a little pissed about that.
I'm dreaming more about work. I don't foresee that being a good thing. Basically, I have a room full of couples that I kicked out because none of them were paying attention.
I'd hate being a teacher. Sometimes I feel sorry for you Heather.
Bought a few more movies here:
Strange Invaders/Invaders From Mars double-pack
2 more of those Horror Classics discs
I also picked up the new Manson release and I'm gonna tell you now: the Personal Jesus cover isn't worth the money.
I also had some weird dream I don't remember most of, but it had to do with work (and not doing the right thing), other (young) girls sniffing me in my dirty clothes (by Nix's suggestion), Amanda, and sex. You can interpret that any way you want, because I really can't give you a clear outline of what the hell is going on.
The not smoking is definitely harder than first imagined. I ran out of cigarettes last night, and I'm not going to buy anymore. I do appreciate your support in this matter, and I do plan to kick this bad habit once and for all.
I've also noticed that some people have adopted my "Beaver Commenting Policy". Right on. :)
That's about all I've got right now. Gotta get ready for tonights demos. See ya.
Well boys and girls, there has been an unfortunate turn of events. Go to Night Of The Living Loaf to read more.
We went to a comic shop here this afternoon and I found an expansion pack to "Lunch Money" as well as a new game called "Beer Money". It plays like "Lunch Money", there's just different pictures and attacks on the cards. Made by the same company too.
I also picked up four dvds:
Starship Troopers
Maniac Cop 3
Yay new movies.
You know, I must say that I'm tired of the Beaver constantly asking me if I've read and commented on his blog. I think he's totally missed the point of having one. So I've resorted to being a smartass about it.
T-Bob and myself have taken on the destructive patterns of rock stars with our hotel rooms. I know we shouldn't, but it's come to a point where I really don't care. I'm getting tired and bored with this place. I feel like a caged tiger at times.
We will be leaving Saturday night. Thank someone for that.
I'm not coming home tonight. Looks like I'm spending the rest of the week here in Dall-ass, Tex-ass. I like the fact that we don't have to drive back tonight, have a day in Saint Louis, then drive back out here again. However, I'm ready to be rid of this state.
Otherwise, I'm not feeling so hot.
Hello everyone. Just so you know, I'm back in internet hell, so that's why I've been scarce on the IM scene.
At any rate, we did four demos yesterday, and things are back to the way they have been here. Sales suck. The people suck. Things are bound to turn around someday though.
The quitting is a little harder than I thought. I will admit that I did break down yesterday and had two cigaretts the whole day. I actually consider that to be pretty good thinking of how much I normally smoke. The thing I've got to keep in mind is this: That $40 - $60 a month I'm spending on killing myself is more cash that I can put in my IRA. I started it last week, and I'd like to be around to enjoy it.
We have a bridal show and demo to do today, both of which I'm not really looking forward to.
I bought the new Chevelle cd and a laptop cooler yesterday. If anyone sees Joe B., tell him the laptop cooler (Targus) actually works really well. My laptop has stayed so cool that you'd think it wasn't even on.
Anyway, I've got to go now. I feel like I've got more to say, but I'm sure I'll be back later.
Today was alright, I suppose. Everything was way too rushed do to my own procrastination, but it's all good.
Nothing sales-wise tonight, which sucks, but we have 4 big honking demos to do tomorrow.
There are some things on other blogs I could very well address, but I don't think I'm going to. Not yet, anyway.
I hope you're all happy. You destroyed The Question's plan. Once you figure out who he is, you'll be sorry you said any of the things you said about him. I don't mean "sorry" in a threatening way, I mean in an "are you okay" sorry kind of way.
Anyway, thanks for the non-smoking support. I'm not sure how difficult it's going to be, but it's killing me and I do have some incentive to do it (outside of health).
By the way, if anyone from Council reads here tell Deadpool I appreciate the invite, but I will have to pass. I'd rather not get wrapped up in all the "things" that go on over there.
Hello y'all. I'm talking Texas, since I'm here. Again.
I do have a couple things to report:
Myself and Amanda have decided to quit smoking. We start Saturday. It's time, but I am suprised that she decided to do it as well considering she's been smoking for so long.
I had to reformat my external drive, so everything I had was lost. I am now re-ripping cds, but I'm ripping in WMA format simply because the sound quality is better.
I am also now on the Night Of The Living Loaf website. You should go and check it out. There isn't much posted yet, but as more comes along, you will all be informed.
Otherwise, that's it. Peace out.
Anyone figure out who The Question is yet? I keep going to his site looking for some kind of clue as to who it would be.
I think Loaf came along nicely last night. We came up with some really fucking cool ideas.
I just beat Fable. I played the good guy this time, but next time I play, I'm going to be as evil as I possibly can.
Smoke time.
I'm shocked that so many people are still wanting to do this thing. I'm also very happy.
@ Quill: I understand this is your brainchild, and I hope you like what T-Bob and I have come up with so far.
@ Pheonix: We will definitely keep Peter in mind.
@ Hiz: Suprisingly, I was thinking that same thing. I'm sure more talk will come of that later.
At any rate, a new player has entered the Blogger arena: The Question. I must say some of his rantings sound somewhat Matrix-like, but some of it is funny. Some of it does kinda make you think. Welcome to the community.
@ The Question: Your link has been added.
T-Bob and Steve are coming over tonight. We're going to work on fleshing out a script for Meatloaf.
Time to make breakfast. Leftover pasta. Fuck yeah.
You don't know what pwackles are. Ha ha.
Anyway, I'm now back in the beautiful town of Saint Louis. I realize now that people in the mid-west aren't as stupid I initially thought.
Bad news: My computer will not read my external drive anymore. I don't know what happened. There was no severe shock to it, electric (surge protector) or otherwise. My comp will recognize it's there but will not open it, saying that there is an I/O problem of some sort. Any mp3 and porn work I've done might very well be lost. I'll fuck with it more after I get some sleep.
As it turns out T-Bob likes to make films, sort of like we used to. Only he's more professional about it (equipment, props, etc.), so:
Good news: Meatloaf might be back in action people. On the drive home, T-Bob and I spent about three hours laying out a storyline/plot for "Attack Of The Killer Meatloaf". We plan on getting together outside of work to lay out a script for the movie. He has all the notes right now, but once I get a copy of them I'm sure you'll like what you see.
I'm actually excited about it.
Enjoy your day.
Just watched a movie called "King Of The Ants". Definitely worth a look.
Now watching "American Movie". Some funny shit.
Today was good business-wise.
Nothing much else. Thanks for stopping by.
Just watched Underworld. It was the Directors Cut version and I must say that I really wasn't impressed.
Went to Best Buy today and picked up the new Prodigy and ICP. Haven't really listened to either one, but I'll be sure to let you know how both of them are once I have the opportunity.
The mp3s are coming along rather nicely. I've been thinking about including other music (ie. the shit I don't like), but I'm not so sure I wanna bother. I understand that I'll be sharing these files with other people, but you can get your country from some other place.
I am Monkey Boy.
We're here in Tex-ass. Fortunately, it's only for the weekend. T-Bob is listening to Richard Cheese and has almost laughed his lungs up.
Now onto Weird Al. A polka, nonetheless. Nice.
MTV really sucks.
There is nothing of meaning here.
My allergies won't stop and I forgot my inhaler. Motherfucker.
You have no chance to survive, make your time. Ha ha ha.
@ Prometheus: Dude, you know how shit goes. Things have to get better. Law of averages states so. It's just a matter of which chapter of "Vs. The World" you're on.
Anyway, I had Dave over yesterday. He got here and spent the whole night sitting on my couch playing Pokemon Stadium (about 6 hours). After he left, I finally got the chance to play Fable (X-Box). It's pretty cool, with a Kingdom Hearts setup in gameplay, and a concept that others have tried before but not to this extent. EVERY decision you make changes your character, for better or worse. Kill a townsperson, or help them. Steal, or earn it. No matter what you do, it effects your characters final outcome.
I am now a writer for Juice Wars. I haven't submitted anything yet, but give me some time. I'm sure I'll come up with something worth commenting over.
I've decided it's time to start looking forward to my retirement, ladies and gentlemen. That's right. At the age of 24, I've decided to open an IRA account. I might not be able to get my hands on that money til I'm 60, but better then (when I'll really need it) instead of now.
Nothing more.
I have a lot more cd's than I thought. I've been ripping to mp3 for almost a week.
@ Nix: Not a problem man. Always happy to help people spread their word(s).
Haven't posted in a few days. Not much has been going on really. I'm still playing SH4, but off and on. The only thing that has really disappointed me about this game is the fact that there is no UFO ending. The other three games had them. Why not this one?
I finally got paid! Yes! I can pay my bills now and be broke by the end of the day.
I must say that I am still feeling pretty good. There's something in the air and I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because Halloween is coming up soon. This year I do plan to have a costume, but I don't know what good it will do me. I don't know what the plan is, or if there is even going to be one, for a Halloween party. I'd be willing to have it at my place again this year if people were willing to come. The only problem is that it falls on a Sunday this year, and I know a lot of people have to work the next day.
I hate late night television. On every fucking channel, infomercial after infomercial. Bastards.
@Nixeclips: Your link has been added.
@Pheonix: If you still can't figure out how to post links, I'll have to look at it.
Nothing much to post here. Andy is a knob-polisher.
Went to Joes. Had much more fun then I had expected. Rather intoxicated.
I actually feel really good right now.
Time for bed.
Seems as though Blogger is the new political platform in our group.
I'll try and keep this short.
- Inuyasha would not make a good president. He can't even make a good tv show.
- I was good with Bush until it came to him pushing his own religious agenda. There's where my problem lays with him. That's why all this shit is going on.
- Pheonix, your grandma might've been right about sticking with what you know, but I think we're talking about a different kind of boss. We know he's horrible, and if we stick with him you've got to know things will only get worse.
- People die every day. Wars have been happening since the dawn of time. And for needless causes, every single time. There are lots of fatherless children, widows, single fathers, etc. That's simply a cost of living. Bush isn't the first person to send people into unnecessary war, and I'm almost positive he won't be the last. If you think as soon as Kerry lands office that those troops are out right away, I'd have to say you'd be wrong.
- No matter who we vote in, we'll still be censored. It was happening way before Bush.
These are the people that are supposed to lead us. It's not a fucking popularity contest. If you say you're going to do something, you do it. Don't just talk shit to get into office you fucks. That's why I don't vote. It truly doesn't make a difference. They can talk all they want, but what of those bills really gets passed? They gotta keep that money for the $55,000 toilet seat that's really their mistress. The $46,000 for the hammer that's really semi-automatic ammunition. What are we paying for?
I know I probably lost you there, and I'm sorry. I don't mean this a personal dig on anyone. I know that politics make some people go out of their fucking minds, same as religion. I'm glad that my friends have a standpoint on all this. They care enough to get the information and make an informed decision. I, however, haven't seen much change in this country recently with the exception of gas prices. Everyone complains things are getting more expensive. You think bread was two dollars a loaf sixty years ago?
This is longer than I expected it to be. Sorry for the confusion, if any. Have a good one guys.
@ Anonymous: Yeah, I beat it. Fuck. Already.
@ Phoenix: I know for fact it's console (PS2 and X-Box), but I believe it was released on PC too.
@ Quill: Yeah, I thought so too.
At any rate, I have beaten Silent Hill 4 it again (Fuck. Already?), getting a better ending than before. I'm tempted to play it again (Fuck. Already?), but it's late (early) and lord knows I need my beauty sleep.
So kids, I leave you with this: When you start seeing yourself through the peephole, you know you're fucked.
I have beat SH4 for the first time. I must say that I'm still feeling pretty sideways about it.
Premise: You are Harry Townsend, and man who has lived in Ashfield apartments for about two years. Everything is going fine until you begin having strange nightmares. You become trapped in your apartment: no opening the front door (as it's held shut by multiple chains and locks), no going out a window, no phone calls, etc. You happen to wake up one morning, after about a week of being locked inside, and find a hole in your bathroom wall. Being as crazy as anyone would be after being stuck in one place for a week, you climb through the hole, which drops you into another world.
From there it's pretty much back and forth between these otherworlds and your apartment, but as you progress, the otherworld starts to invade your apartment. Things start moving, coming out of the walls, etc.
It may not seem scary, but sit and think if you had been stuck in your place for a week.
Otherwise, I'm off to play again. Gonna see if I can get another ending.
It's here. I must play. My precioussssss.....
Thanks to all that have listened to Undermine and left feedback. I appreciate it.
As I sit here with a plate of spaghetti, I realize I haven't had a whole lot to say recently.
"Spaghetti at 8 in the morning?" you ask.
"Damn right," I say. "And... suck it."
Anyway, today is the day. Just a few more hours. That's right bitches:
Silent Hill: The Room.
You try calling me today, you won't be getting an answer. Yeah, it's that big a deal.
*Edit* - Those cockteases at Konami didn't ship it today. However, it shall be released tomorrow, and I can't wait any longer! I guess Hunter and DBZ2 will just have to tide me over til then.
Undermine has been posted. Go. Listen. Tell me what you think. Please?
I understand your concern, and I'm not mad. I know that drinking can be fun and I do more of it than I should, especially when I'm on the road. I'm sure I've mentioned before that alcoholism runs in my family, but the occasion where I feel I "need" a beer is rare. Only if I've had a really shitty day or I'm feeling really depressed, which doesn't happen as often as most might think. At least not anymore.
I do need to do more for my health as well. I like to drink and I really like to smoke as well. Smoking is something I really need to quit too. I'm tired of waking up every morning and coughing so hard that some days I dry heave. Coughing so hard that the area of my chest over my heart gets sore for days afterwards. Yet I continue to do it. Why? Habit. I wake up in the morning, still laying in bed, and I tell myself that I'm not going to have one. Once I get up though, the day starts and the "triggers" kick in. That, and most of the people I hang out with smoke.
I'd really like to stop smoking, eat a little better, and get myself in shape. I'm still young enough to be able to burn off this shit hanging around my stomach. I've just fallen into such a pattern of laziness. I don't want to continue on this track. If nothing else, to see my own future.
I'm sorry for babbling. I'm just letting you know.
I don't really know why I'm here. I really don't have much to say.
Blah blah blah.
I've never had so much beer in my life. The times I spent drinking with Corey pale in comparison. I'm so glad that I finally have a drinking buddy. T-Bob could be a fucking mirror image of me (in attitude). It's odd really, meeting someone that is so much like yourself.
Sales have taken a turn for the better here in Texas, and I couldn't be happier that they have. It motivates me to get on the road and work some more. Not that I like being gone, but I really want to be number one by the end of the year. That, and I get a nice watch. That's another story.
We shall be on our way home tonight and in a way I'm glad, but at the same time I'm not. They've got me on a schedule now where I'm working the weekends, which would normally be good, but they've got me driving out to Texas every fucking weekend. It's always something.
Sarah hasn't called me since. She said she would. Andrea has e-mailed me, but I haven't bothered to respond. Oh well. I really don't care.
And fear not my Blogger companions. I have been reading and keeping up. It's just this damn connection here, otherwise I would definitely be commenting. Nothing bad. Cross my heart.
I guess I did have some shit to say, huh?
I have been posting the last few days. It's because that I'm in internet hell that the posts haven't been posting. I'll type a bunch of shit up, then there will will be a failure and all the shit I've written will disappear. I hate it when that happens.
Anyway, T-Bob and I are getting along very well. I have never laughed so much in my life. I woke up one morning and my chest hurt from laughing so hard. I've also been getting a lot of music from him as well, increasing my mp3 collection.
I bought four DVDs:
Army Of Darkness - Boomstick Edition
Night Of The Living Dead - Collectors Edition
The Devil's Backbone
I've also completed another song for Brainshift. However, I can't post it on my site just yet, seeing as this foul internet connection is being a bitch. Once it's posted you'll know about it here.
Things have gotten a little better here, and I do appreciate all the support from everyone. Without you I would be nothing.