This applies to EVERYONE: I started this thing to put down how I feel about things at a certain time. When I want to talk, but feel like I can't. It's really just that simple. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm not out to make anyone feel like they're being put down. If you feel that way, there must be some truth in what I'm saying.


Song of the Day: "Proud" - Korn

We're here in Tex-ass. Fortunately, it's only for the weekend. T-Bob is listening to Richard Cheese and has almost laughed his lungs up.

Now onto Weird Al. A polka, nonetheless. Nice.

MTV really sucks.

There is nothing of meaning here.

My allergies won't stop and I forgot my inhaler. Motherfucker.
Man...that has GOT to suck, being without your medicine. I know how that can go, it's NOT fun. Feel better, man...
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