This applies to EVERYONE: I started this thing to put down how I feel about things at a certain time. When I want to talk, but feel like I can't. It's really just that simple. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm not out to make anyone feel like they're being put down. If you feel that way, there must be some truth in what I'm saying.


Song of the Day: "Sunspots" - Nine Inch Nails

One never knows how much one missing key on a keyboard can do to your typing ability until that key is gone. In a fit of anger, I threw a cigarette pack at my keyboard today. There was nothing in it, but I threw it hard enough to break the letter "O" and "9" keys off. Amanda was able to fix the nine, but my "O" key is straight busted. I can't get the fucking thing to stay on. So for now, there's a bit gaping hole where my "O" key should be. Hopefully I can get that fixed, but if not, I guess it's off to Wal-Mart to get some super glue.

On the upside, I have an actual keyboard from my parents old computer that I can use which is fully functional. I just hate the sound of the keys clicking against the plastic.

I thought I was gonna be in town this whole week, but I'm going to Springfield. Fortunately I'll be back on Saturday night, and fairly early too. So there still might be a possibility that I can get in on whatever is going on. If there isn't anything going on though, I wouldn't mind having a small gathering.

Went and talked with my dad today before the family dinner. Looks like I might have a plan to get out of this "asshole deep in debt" thing.

The cd archiving has come to a halt. I ended up buying an external cd rom drive, but EAC wouldn't recognize the drive. We (or moreso Joe) downloaded the newest version of it, and every time we'd try to run it my computer would crash. On top of that my USB 2.0 card still locks up on my computer, which only frustrates even further.

I love technology, but it doesn't love me back.

"Why you gotta make me hit you baby? You know if you weren't this way I wouldn't have to do this!"


Song of the Day: "All The Love In The World" - Nine Inch Nails

Hello everyone. I've actually got a lot to say this post, so brace yourselves...

Can someone let Joe B. know that if he goes to The NIN Hotline he can get the loops for "The Hand That Feeds" that runs on Windows? He'll have to dig in their April archives, but they're pretty easy to spot. I'm sure he'd appreciate it, as neither him or I own a Mac. Thanks.

I have had the distinct pleasure of hearing an advanced copy of the new Nine Inch Nails album. This now being the third time I've listened to it today, all I have to say is this: Wow. I don't think that "With Teeth" could've been a better title. Once you listen, and analyize, I think you'll agree with me. Go buy this album! When it's released, I mean. I most definitely plan to.

I've been playing this game on X-Gen called Motherload that's something of a throwback to the Dig-Dug type of gaming. It's hella fun (to me) and definietly shows you some of the cool things a flash game can do. They have lots of other cool games on there too, so it might be worth your time to check it out.

Damn, those last two paragraphs have made it sound like I've sold out.

I had a couple weird dreams last night too.

In one I was buying a new car and trading in my old one, but before I got the new one off the lot I wrecked it by running my old car into it.

The other one had to do with work and my dad being disappointed with me about something. I don't know if that one is too far from the truth.

This morning here at the hotel we were woke up by the fire alarms going off. I opened my eyes, looked at my brother, then looked at the air unit in our room and I thought I saw smoke coming off of it. I immediately shot up and told my brother that we needed to get out of the room. We grabbed some clothes real quick, and as soon as we opened our door the fire alarm shut off. There was no smoke in our room, I only thought there was. So needless to say, we just went back to sleep. The funny thing about it was that there was a fire in another part of the building, and it was their air conditioner that had caught on fire. These are in-wall units. Not the kind that run through the entire hotel.

That's some strange shit, huh?

Andrea Gustavson has recently made contact with me. She's wanting to hang out and rekindle some sort of friendship I suppose. I never really had a problem with her, except for that fact that she seems to think everything is about her. And that she remained friends with Sarah after we broke up. Otherwise, she wasn't a bad person to hang out with.

I think my dvd-rom has crapped out on me. While I've been working non-stop on this cd archive, it's taken it upon itself to stop reading discs. The computer still says the drive is there, and the drive spins up and sounds like it's reading the disc, but nothing happens. I love technology but it sure hates me.

Today we're off to Eugene, OR. We're only there for the weekend, and then it's time to come home. This trip hasn't been too bad, working with Jeff and all. The fact that he has his own room definietly helps matters a lot too.

I'm ready to come home.

I'll be seeing you soon.


Song of the Day: "Precipitation" - Les Claypool

Greetings from Tigard, OR.

Well, tonight is our first night of demos here. (Even though I'm two hours behind St. Louis, I'm going to keep time on these posts central.) We will be in this wonderful state until the 25th, which is the day we arrive back home.

I'm doing the first demo tonight, which I suppose can be a good thing. That way I don't have to do the 10 a.m. demo tomorrow.

The cd "archiving" has been coming along rather well. I've run into a few problems with some cds though, whether it's from damage or this new-fangled copyright protection, but I'm sure there are ways around that. I do know that there are some cd's that I'll definitely have to borrow from some people in order to finish out track listings.

I finally ended up getting a 300 GB external drive, so now I can feel free to rip at leisure.

As of the Porno Empire, I do plan to get on that soon. Actually, once I'm done archiving cd's that's my next major project. So fear not, my faithful perverts. The Empire will see the light of day soon.

@ Q: I'm sorry about not answering my phone as of late. When you called I was sleeping. I haven't been feeling well lately. I think I'm sick. We will talk soon though, I promise.

Otherwise, I gotta get going. Our demo is going to start in under an hour and I've gotta get ready. See you soon.


Song of the Day: "Zepp Overature" - Charlie Clouser (Saw Soundtrack)

Wow, has it been a while since I've updated or what?

@ Anyone: Does anybody know where Q ran off to? Haven't seen him in a while and he hasn't been posting. Just curious, and a bit worried.

A whole lot of nothing has been going on in my world, and that's kinda the way I like it. I've pretty much been "archiving" my cds, surfing the net, and playing all types of new games. (Q, I've been bad about reviews. I'll get you some soon if you still want them.)

Astral has got me watching "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer" now, and I will say that's it's not as bad as I thought. I'm still much more fond of Angel, but Buffy isn't a bad show.

I feel like I'm becoming a geek... wait, I AM a geek, and I'm just fine with that.

A rather uneventful post, but a post nonetheless.

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