This applies to EVERYONE: I started this thing to put down how I feel about things at a certain time. When I want to talk, but feel like I can't. It's really just that simple. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm not out to make anyone feel like they're being put down. If you feel that way, there must be some truth in what I'm saying.


Song of the Day: "Sunspots" - Nine Inch Nails

One never knows how much one missing key on a keyboard can do to your typing ability until that key is gone. In a fit of anger, I threw a cigarette pack at my keyboard today. There was nothing in it, but I threw it hard enough to break the letter "O" and "9" keys off. Amanda was able to fix the nine, but my "O" key is straight busted. I can't get the fucking thing to stay on. So for now, there's a bit gaping hole where my "O" key should be. Hopefully I can get that fixed, but if not, I guess it's off to Wal-Mart to get some super glue.

On the upside, I have an actual keyboard from my parents old computer that I can use which is fully functional. I just hate the sound of the keys clicking against the plastic.

I thought I was gonna be in town this whole week, but I'm going to Springfield. Fortunately I'll be back on Saturday night, and fairly early too. So there still might be a possibility that I can get in on whatever is going on. If there isn't anything going on though, I wouldn't mind having a small gathering.

Went and talked with my dad today before the family dinner. Looks like I might have a plan to get out of this "asshole deep in debt" thing.

The cd archiving has come to a halt. I ended up buying an external cd rom drive, but EAC wouldn't recognize the drive. We (or moreso Joe) downloaded the newest version of it, and every time we'd try to run it my computer would crash. On top of that my USB 2.0 card still locks up on my computer, which only frustrates even further.

I love technology, but it doesn't love me back.

"Why you gotta make me hit you baby? You know if you weren't this way I wouldn't have to do this!"
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