This applies to EVERYONE: I started this thing to put down how I feel about things at a certain time. When I want to talk, but feel like I can't. It's really just that simple. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm not out to make anyone feel like they're being put down. If you feel that way, there must be some truth in what I'm saying.


Song of the Day: "Would?" - Alice In Chains

Well, I'm a bit angry with myself. I have this wonderful new laptop, and thinking to myself, "Hey, it's all new. It should be able to run most anything I put to it", I go buy an assload of games for my new friend. One of those games happened to be Quake 4.

Apparently, my system doesn't meet the standard qualifications needed to run the game. I launch the game, get a gray screen, and then get sent back to my desktop with no error message. Odd. I've patched it, I've searched the web for solutions, I've visited the Activision website mentioned in the back of the manual for help, and to no avail. So now I'm gonna have to wait to play that. Oh well, I've got tons of shit my laptop before wouldn't play, so I think I'm pretty set on games for a while.

Goddamn, I love to be distracted.

I'm also liking this new keyboard I picked up earlier today. It's a Saitek, but the keys light up blue and match all the other blue shit I've got going on in my computer room.

It was strange having so many people over earlier tonight. It wasn't bad, mind you, but I haven't had an impromptu party in what feels like such a long time that I didn't know what to do.

I feel bad, mainly because I like to have people over but I never really have anything to do. Most times we all just sit around (or stand until I get my stools) and stare blankly at each other, raise our eyebrows, ala Erich, and give a sigh.

I'm sorry I suck. :p

I head out to Peoria on Thursday and I'll be back early Saturday afternoon. Hopefully we'll be able to make a buck on this trip.
Ah, my friend, I think your Erich analogy is misguided.

Erich's idea of a "good time" is spending an exorberant amount of money; simply hanging out with good friends and discussing whatever for fun is 'beneath' that man.

I don't think that way, and no one I know besides him does either to my knowledge. I think everyone had a great time last night. No worries.
Hey! You had people over?!?!?!? Well, I wasn't invited so I guess you all don't like me.

Kidding. Seriously. Kidding.

What's exorberant? It's exorbitant. Don't worry, I did't know either. I just looked it up. I like that the 't' is mysteriously there. I always thought it was exorbiant, but Merriam-Webster says otherwise.

Thank you, language police...
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