This applies to EVERYONE: I started this thing to put down how I feel about things at a certain time. When I want to talk, but feel like I can't. It's really just that simple. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm not out to make anyone feel like they're being put down. If you feel that way, there must be some truth in what I'm saying.


Song of the Day: "Haunted" - Poe

One would think that after being awake for 26 hours and then getting four hours of sleep would make one tired by the end of the following evening. It does. The only problem is that right now I can't sleep.

I'm really starting to think that there's something other than myself (and Amanda) inhabiting my home. I know I've made jokes about it before, and I'm sure that some of the stuff that's disappeared around here has merely been misplaced by myself without my remembering. The only problem now is: I'm starting to hear voices. Moreso, just a voice. Earlier tonight. Around 1:35-1:40 am.

Now before you go all crazy on me thinking that I'm losing my mind, Amanda has admitted to hearing a voice speak too. It's only happened in the bedroom once for each of us. She heard someone walking into the bedroom, up to her side of the bed, whisper the word "Hey", and when she opened her eyes no one was there. That happened the night Quill and his wife came over.

A quick synopsis of tonight's bedtime events:

*NOTE: Those of you looking for a porn story, go look somewhere else.

I wanna say I started to fall asleep around 12:30. I know Amanda was asleep before I was. I began to drift off, but I had some weird dream. Whether it was a lucid dream or not, I can't tell you, but it didn't feel like one. At any rate, right before I woke up there was some intense flash of gore and a loud buzzing filled my ears. To give you an idea of what it sounds like, it's kind of like when there's complete silence and your ears start to ring except it's not coming from inside your head. It's coming from the outside. Like a mistuned radio station, but just screams under all the static. (Note: This "buzzing" thing has happened to me on more than one occasion, normally while sleeping or trying to sleep, but has been occurring more frequently.) I woke up breathing hard and sweating a little, but I just laid there until I fell asleep again.

This time, I remember the dream:
I'm in Texas with my parents, Tony, and TJ (just like it was). We're in the demo room, and my mom, TJ and I are sitting in the back of the room. I go to get up for some reason and TJ grabs my left forearm and won't let go. I keep pulling away from him, repeatedly telling him to let me go. He just smiles at me and tightens his grip on my forearm. There's a beer bottle on the table in front of us and I threaten to hit him over the head with it if he doesn't let me go. He doesn't, so I reach for the bottle. As I swing it at him, it's not TJ anymore. All I can see is the arm, and by the clothes I would think it was Jeff, but the size of the body was just a little different.

When I wake up, I can't breathe, I'm swinging my right hand at my left arm and I can feel someone holding it. Normally, I would think this feeling on my forearm a phantom one from the dream, but I stop for just a moment, and very softly (and in a mocking tone) I hear a female voice say "I told you..."

I laid there for a minute, and somewhat hesitantly ask out loud, "Did you say something?" hoping that Amanda would answer me. She didn't.

I laid there for a few minutes, somewhat afraid to get out of bed. For some reason I had the feeling that the floor wasn't going to be there when I set my feet down and I was going to fall into some sort of darkness. It almost felt like I was still dreaming. It was such a weird feeling.

I haven't been afraid to get out of bed since I was 6 and thought that the bogeyman would pull me under if I didn't jump to and from my bed in the middle of the night.

I haven't been afraid to fall asleep since about the same time.

But tonight both of those fears came back with a vengeance.

As I type this I'm sitting on the couch, and I feel like I can pass out right here. I tried going back into the bedroom once tonight and I woke up again.

There are other little things that have been happening more frequently too, but that can be a story for another time. This post has been a long one, and I do apologize for that, but I had to get some of this out of my system. Any thoughts or comments are welcome, but keep this in mind: Why would I lie?
That's less-than-promising as far as on the harmless scale goes with hauntings.

Hang in there, man. I know how freaky that can be.

I completely believe you, but not on pure word alone (although that alone is enough, as you know); I've felt stuff at your place before, half-lingering in the air.
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