This applies to EVERYONE: I started this thing to put down how I feel about things at a certain time. When I want to talk, but feel like I can't. It's really just that simple. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm not out to make anyone feel like they're being put down. If you feel that way, there must be some truth in what I'm saying.


Song of the Day: "This Is Your Life" - Switchfoot

Upgrade: The Bug-Juice Web Log has been added.

@Anonymous: Yeah, I like those too.

This state (Texas) is the reason why I'm going to become broke and not make #1 for the year. It's almost like the fuckers out here don't even care. What I don't understand is the couples that come in with an attitude about being here. They set the fucking appointment to come in. They know they have to be here. Why are they aggrivated with me? They can fuck themselves.

We watched "Drive" (1997) tonight. It was pretty good. Better than I would've given it credit for.

I know I have more to say, I just don't feel like dealing with it right now.
Don't worry man, business will pick up for you. If you really feel like venting some frustrations, you should come to the Scarlet Whore show Sunday, join me in some pit action. Not to sound Hizzy-ish or anything. I have directions if we would need them...
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