This applies to EVERYONE: I started this thing to put down how I feel about things at a certain time. When I want to talk, but feel like I can't. It's really just that simple. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm not out to make anyone feel like they're being put down. If you feel that way, there must be some truth in what I'm saying.


Song of the Day: "My Long Walk To Jail" - Filter

The Dallas trip went about as well as it could've, I suppose. However, the high-speed internet access wouldn't work. Apparently, the firmware the company uses wasn't compatible with my Vaio, and a specific Dell laptop, the name of which has escaped me.

Sorry Hiz, but Amanda ended up going with me to Dallas. I hope that your move still went well.

Watched Donnie Darko again a couple hours ago. Apparently a directors cut re-release happened a little earlier this month, which I might see if I can find it somewhere. Although the website for the movie is strange.

I am so jacked about Silent Hill 4. I keep wanting to run out into my living room and play it, but it hasn't even been released yet. What a putz.

I'm also excited about is the computer that Joe will be builing for me. It's looking like it's gonna be a sweet setup. The only stipulation is that he needs the money for it, and I don't have $2,200 just laying around. I guess I'll just have to have him do it in installments.

My dad wants me to have a party at my place. No one in my family, outside of my brother, has seen it since I've moved in and had a chance to straighten things up. He's thinking sometime next month, and he's already told me that he'd fund it (food, beverages, etc.), and call it a "house-warming party" so my family can buy me more shit that I might not need.

But I'm always up for free shit.

Sun's up. Time to go to bed. (Or hop in the coffin. Whatever you prefer.)
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