This applies to EVERYONE: I started this thing to put down how I feel about things at a certain time. When I want to talk, but feel like I can't. It's really just that simple. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm not out to make anyone feel like they're being put down. If you feel that way, there must be some truth in what I'm saying.


Whoo boy. Today was something of a day. Nothing too stressful, I suppose. Just the mental fucking with me I guess.

I heard the other day that the British are endorsing oral sex as a form of teen pregnancy prevention. I generally don't like anything British, but any country that says it's alright to get head is fine in my book.

I've kinda felt like being a dick today. Woke up that way, and I've kinda felt that way ever since. Sometimes it's hard to keep your manners when you're stuck with a 48 year old idiot. Sometimes I just wanna yell at him, just for being who he is. You know how old people have a way of stating the obvious that's just so annoying you wanna slap them? Yeah, it's like that. And rather than work, all the fucker wants to do is eat and see his friends from around the country.

I've been working a lot with Acid too, trying to write some songs. I've had a few stuck in my head, and I'm working on one now. You can tell that it's done on a computer, but at least it's laid out for when and if it's actually played with real instruments.

The new GameBoy DS looks wicked cool. Supposed to be released this fall for somewhere around $150. Two screens, fold in half like the GBASP, works something like a PDA and has Bluetooth capabilities. I'm excitied, but I'm looking forward to the PSP as well.

On the drive from Idaho Falls to Twin Falls, my mindset wasn't the best. I almost started crying while listening to Fear Factory's "Obsolete". how fucked is that?

The demo tonight went as well as it could've, I guess. We had six couples, and I got one of the six. All my dad had to say about it when I called him was bitch that I didn't get more. Normally that doesn't happen, but I can understand it tonight.

Got a 12 pack tonight. I'm only three through, but I plan to kill them all. If you don't like that, or think I have a problem, you can fuck yourself.
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