This applies to EVERYONE: I started this thing to put down how I feel about things at a certain time. When I want to talk, but feel like I can't. It's really just that simple. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm not out to make anyone feel like they're being put down. If you feel that way, there must be some truth in what I'm saying.


Happy Mother's Day! Today is the day that we thank our mothers for shooting us out of their uterus, covered in blood and viscera. For changing our shitty diapers. For bringing us into this world where we work our entire lives, most of us never acheiving our goals, just to barely get by. Then, after this hell is over, we die. Thanks mom.

Anyway, did a demo today. Had five show up, sold one. Woo hoo.

I thought I had something to say, but whatever it was is gone. It's not coming to me.
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