This applies to EVERYONE: I started this thing to put down how I feel about things at a certain time. When I want to talk, but feel like I can't. It's really just that simple. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm not out to make anyone feel like they're being put down. If you feel that way, there must be some truth in what I'm saying.


Song of the Day: "Until Death" - Akira Yamaoka

Right out of Satans Workshop.

Happy Halloween! Or, as I woke up and said, "Happy Harjabeen!" Please don't ask. I don't know.

For those of you that were able to make it on Saturday, I appreciate your company and I hope you had a good time.

Apples to Apples was much more fun than I thought. Even better when you've been drinking a bit.

@Heather: I'm sorry you weren't feeling well that night. I do hope you got better rather quickly.

Tonight Amanda and I are supposed to go to a party her girlfriend is hosting, but if Amanda isn't feeling any better by the time she gets off work we might not be doing anything.

One of these years I wanna have a fucking huge Halloween party. I'm talking costumes, a haunted house at the house, dinner... Maybe I'm just still too much of a little kid.

At any rate, I hope that everyone enjoys their Halloween. Try not to eat too much candy. Remember, it's supposed to be for the kids.

BTW, if you can find "I'll Kill You" by Akira Yamoka before reading the "story" it sets the mood a little better. If not, it's no big deal. A helpful search hint is that it's from the first Silent Hill game.

A Halloween dream:

The building itself is in the middle of nowhere. Nothing but dirt serves as the floor, inside and out. Clouds blot out the sky as they would on a rainy fall afternoon. The building itself looks like it's made of dirt as well. Enter the front door and inside there are four walls that touch each other and reach to the ceiling. The inner walls are about 5 feet away from the outer walls. This inner "building" has one door. Blood pools on the ground from under it. You reach out and open the door. On the backside there is a pigs carcass that's twice as big as you, hanging by a nail driven through it's rear leg. Skin and muscle have begun to deteriorate with this one, as you can see parts of its ribcage clearly. Inside the room there are more pig carcasses as well a human bodies and parts. Upon closer inspection, the pig on the door actually has a person inside of it. The police are outside. There are only two of them, and they're waiting for you to come out. Slowly, but loudly you begin to tell your story from inside. The police don't come in, and you don't leave. There's only words, and the results in front of you.

So maybe the song doesn't make it any better. When something sucks, it sucks. It is a dream, at any rate.


Song of the Day: "I'll Kill You" - Akira Yamaoka

Well, shit. Here it is, damn near 8 in the morning, and I'm up. Still.

I'm currently home.

I know it's Tuesday already, but for those of you who read frequently, I was planning on having an impromptu Halloween party on Saturday. Nothing too outrageous I suppose, but an opportunity to get together and act like freaks. It's almost like any other night we'd hang out, except for the exception of a costume. This would be the perfect time to break out that Peter Venkman uniform.

Fuck this, I'm going home...

No, we're cool.


Song of the Day: "Black History Month" - Death From Above 1979

Or maybe I won't watch "Land of the Dead" after getting our balls kicked in. Fucking copy protection kicked in, and the internet service wasn't working here last night.

@Quill: Toot your horn as much as you want. Anyone who gets pissed is jealous.
@Nix: Fuck y'alls milk, and your orange juice too.
@TheEditor: Fuck you in general.

The next person who says "You did a good job though" is gonna get a bullet in the head.


Song of the Day: "Turnstile Blues" - Autolux

Giddy up and Yee-Haw.

Shoot me now.

Last night we saw 13 couples. Great turnout. It would've been even better if all of them didn't have to hurry home and finish their homework. I could've stayed home and seen "Land Of The Dead", or since I'm in Texas I could've seen NIN again last night with "Death From Above 1979". Odd band.

This is day five of my No Smoking campaign. I'm doing alright, in case you're wondering.

Picked up "Land Of The Dead: Unrated" today. I might watch it tonight when we're done getting our balls kicked in.


Song of the Day: "Hold Me Down" - Tommy Lee

Holy crap. It's been damn near a week and I haven't had anything to spew out.

I'm gonna hop right to it then.

I am eagerly anticipating tomorrow night. The show should be pretty good. I picked up the Autolux CD while I was in Evansville just to hear what I was in for, and I liked what I heard. I'm not a big fan of Q.O.T.S.A., but that doesn't matter. I'm there for NIN. I just hope they get a fairly decent amount of play time.

I'm also excited about the G.K. show on the 28th. It's been a while since I've seen them and I know they always put on a good show.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: As of tomorrow morning, I WILL NO LONGER BE A SMOKER. This means that anyone who smokes will not be allowed to smoke in my home any more. I'm sorry for the inconvenience to those who smoke, but quitting doesn't help when your house smells like an ashtray. The patio is always open, and an ashtray will be readily available for said patio. Mentally, I'm ready. Hell, even physically.

I've been playing a lot of Casltevania recently. With the release of "Dawn of Sorrow" for DS, my interest has been sparked in the older games and I've pulled those out as well. I'm waiting for the new one to come out next month on PS2.

I leave again on Sunday for Texas. This time we're only there for a week, maybe less. It really depends on the lead situation.

That's about all that's coming to mind.


Song of the Day: "Die" - Akira Yamaoka

Greetings from Evansville, IN.

I'm here with my parents on this trip. There are two things that are good about this trip; 1: I'm home later tonight and 2: My mom is here to distract my dad.

An announcement I'd like to make as well: This next Friday, the day of the concert, I'll be a smoker no longer. The time has come for me to quit. I've known for a while that I need to quit, and I know it will be tough. I just hope that I have the willpower to keep from picking it up again.

I picked up "Burnout: Revenge" and "We Love Katamari" the other day, and both of them are actually really good. I just love rolling stuff up.

I'll actually have the whole week off once I get back from this trip, so that will be nice. I just hope it's enough, because I know it never feels like it.

I'm sleepy, and I can't tell if I'm getting sick or if it's allergies, but it's really pissing me off. However, it's off to bed.


Song of the Day: "We Are All On Drugs" - Weezer

Boy-oh-boy, I'm a busy beaver.

Good morning. I'm only up because Amanda doesn't know how to turn off her alarm. It goes off four different times at eight minute intervals, for a length of two minutes each time.

Yesterday afternoon I picked up "Evil Dead 2: Book of the Dead Edition". The first B.O.D.E. looks better, but the screaming eye gimic is kinda cool. I also picked up "Ichi The Killer", the movie I mentioned a few posts ago. Watching it a second time last night, the death scenes weren't too bad. Whether that's from having seen them already, having had a few beers along the way, or having seen the movie from the beginning I couldn't tell you.

Today I have even more errands to run, I have more cleaning to do, and I really don't feel like doing either one.

I'll be gone tomorrow and Friday as well. Texas sales didn't turn out as well as they should've, so my dad and I are gonna try and go take care of some things.

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